SuEllen S Leaves skin soft. Thank you Oregon soap. Smells good too.
Diana Black This is the Sean review I have sent. Lavender is one of my favorite scents! It is very soothing. Thank you. Will be purchasing different scents!
Marilyn R Reardon The soap is fresh and clean and the fact that the company plants trees is a terrific bonus!
Mary Kachi Cassinelli Cassinelli This particular soap tea tree lavender foaming hand soap. The one with castor oil has been better than anything for my sensitive skin acne/ rosacea prone. Oregon soap company doesn't make any claims. It's a hand soap but not for me. Give it a try.
Lynn DeNoia This soap is gentle enough for many hand-washes during the day. I especially like the clean, tea-tree scent tempered with the lavender.